Country Haven Farm LLC
LOCAL PICKUP ONLY - Currently accepting orders for **SEPTEMBER 2024**
Beautiful started pullets to add beautiful eggs to your egg basket
Premium breeds roughly 8-13 weeks old
Pullet orders are non-refundable unless we are unable to fill your order. Any cancelations would result in account credit :)
*Breed requests can be made in notes at checkout but we make NO guarantees as to what you will receive, we do our best!
Can be any of the following or similar breeds...
Marans - Multiple Colors
Brahmas - Multiple Colors
Easter/Olive Eggers
Orpingtons - Multiple Colors
Cochins - Multiple Colors
Salmon Faverolles
Legbars - Multiple Colors
Legbars - Multiple Colors
Wyandottes - Multiple Colors
Ameraucanas - Multiple Colors
Fibro Olive/Easter Eggers
****No beak trimming here!****
Non-vaccinated as we are not comfortable with the manner in which the Mareks vaccine works. Our flocks are however tested every six months for Pullorum, Avian Leukosis, Avian Influenza, and Mareks.
Cardington Ohio. NPIP Certified and AI clean tested flocks.