*EXTREMELY RARE* White Legbar Hatching Eggs -BLUE EGGS.
Country Haven Farm LLC
"Frost" White Legbar Hatching Eggs THIS TIME OF YEAR PLEASE UNDERSTAND WAIT TIMES VARY, EVERYONE IS EXCITED FOR SPRING AND WE TAKE IN A LOT OF ORDERS. ORDERS ARE FILLED IN ORDER RECEIVED. YOUR BUSINESS ID VERY MUCH APPRECIATED! HAPPY HATCHING! WE DO NOT GUARANTEE THE HATCH-ABILITY OF THE EGGS WE SELL. These are so rare and hard to find, hatcheries just started selling them for $50-$60 per chick. Hatching eggs for this breed are nearly impossible to find! Don't miss your shot! White birds with deep red combs, crested heads, and beautiful blue eggs! White Legbars are a rare/resessive color sport of Cream Legbars. These hatching eggs come from a PURE WHITE flock with excellent fertility. We are hatching these eggs weekly on the Eggs ship via USPS Priority Mail 2-4 Day shipping. Eggs are carefully packaged to help ensure they don't crack during shipping. DUE TO HIGH DEMAND THESE HATCHING EGGS CAN HAVE EXTENDED WAIT TIMES OF UP TO SIX WEEKS DEPENDING ON THE NUMBER OF ORDERS AHEAD OF YOU. We cannot guarantee how our egg(s) will be treated while they’re in transit through the postal system nor can we guarantee delivery within a specified time after we ship the eggs. Extreme temperatures, low air pressure in airplanes, rough handling, delays in transit and delivery, and X-ray machines can all affect the hatch-ability of eggs... But we do label boxes with florescent stickers stating their live contents on hopes of better care. We also cannot control the conditions under which you incubate the eggs. FOR THESE REASONS WE DO NOT GUARANTEE THE HATCH-ABILITY OF THE EGGS WE SELL. Please leave feedback at the time you receive the eggs, not after you’ve incubated them. Please do not leave negative feedback if your eggs don’t hatch or if they were delayed in transit. Again, if you cannot accept these terms please do not purchase We do however guarantee that you will receive at least what you pay for in unbroken hatching eggs. Our fertility and hatch rates are extremely good with this breed. Happy Hatching! Key words: NPIP OHIO FERTILE CHICKS EGGS HENS ROOSTERS HATCHING HATCH INCUBATE INCUBATION INCUBATOR EGG FERTILIZED LEGBARR CREST CRESTED CREAM CUCKOO CRELE CREOLE TOPHAT TOP HAT FROST EXOTIC RARE RAINBOW COLORED ICE COOP SHIPPING PULLETS COCKERALS FREE RANGE BROODY |